Biden Campaign Planning To Use Taylor Swift To Sway 2024 Election Outcome

(Republican Senate News) – Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably well aware of the fact that President Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen so low it’s practically hanging out in the center of the earth. This, of course, likely has his re-election campaign in full panic mode after two GOP primary victories for former President Donald Trump which were record-setters, indicating he’s almost a lock to become the nominee and the opponent Biden will be up against in November. It’s really not looking good for creepy Uncle Joe.

Rumors are swirling that the campaign is all set to release their secret weapon: Taylor Swift. No, I’m not joking. A report on Monday stated that Biden’s team is planning to bring on a number of high profile social media influencers to help encourage young people and those with less than three fully functioning brain cells to head out to the polls and cast a ballot for Joe Biden. Sadly, this kind of strategy, if done correctly, can be very effective.

The New York Times noted that, for the Biden camp, it’s all but guaranteed Trump is going to be the presidential nominee for the Republican Party, which is why they are thinking of bringing out the metaphorical “big guns” as a means to help the president keep his position for another four years.

The Western Journal is reporting, “It intends to portray Trump and Republicans in general as opposed to individual liberty and a danger to the republic, the Times explained. Biden’s campaign strategists are currently targeting ‘elected officials’ and ‘social media influencers,’ the NYT said.”

Not surprisingly, Taylor Swift is at the top of the list.

“The biggest and most influential endorsement target is Ms. Swift, 34, the pop sensation and N.F.L. enthusiast, who can move millions of supporters with an Instagram post or a mid-concert aside,” the Times continued.

We’ve been seeing a whole lot of Swift over the last few months after her relationship with Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce was made public. She’s been at several games and essentially every single time Kelce makes a play, for better or worse, the camera shoots over to Swift, much to the annoyance of NFL fans who have made it clear they’d like to focus on the game and not on a pop star.

“She endorsed Mr. Biden in 2020 and, last year, a single Instagram post of hers led to 35,000 new voter registrations,” the piece went on to say. “Fund-raising appeals from Ms. Swift could be worth millions of dollars for Mr. Biden.”

The post from Swift got a response from then-vice presidential running mate Kamala Harris:

Guess who else is urging the music sensation to utilize her massive social media following for the sake of pushing Biden’s bid for re-election? None other than Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, the biggest rear end kisser on the left, who is clearly positioning himself for a shot at the White House as either Biden’s replacement later this year or in 2028.

“Taylor Swift stands tall and unique,” Newsom went on to say during a conversation with tabloid publication TMZ in September.

“What she was able to accomplish just in getting young people activated to consider that they have a voice and that they should have a choice in the next election, I think, is profoundly powerful,” the governor remarked.

Just how far does Swift’s reach extend? Well, she has 279 million followers on Instagram alone, so pretty dang far. Many of her fans are teenagers or those who are just about to hit adulthood this year and will be eligible to vote. No doubt she has a tremendous amount of sway and pull with this particular demographic and that’s what Biden is looking to exploit.

Copyright 2024.


  1. Please tell me Ms. Swift has come to her senses since 2020! Really, can the Kelcey
    boys be Dems also? Surely this group is smarter than that.

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